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Migration in the Netherlands

This interactive chart shows migration in the Netherlands between 1995 and 2015 based on the migrants' country of birth. It's divided in two parts: the positive vertical axis shows immigration while the negative axis shows emigration. Each coloured layer represents a different country of birth, the layers are ordered alphabetically.

When moving with the mouse over these layers, more information about the migration from the chosen country becomes visible.

It's easy to see that each year, apart from immigration, there's a substantial number of emigrants. Some of these emigrants are probably people that are going back to their own country but there's also a big amount of Dutch people settling abroad. Between 2003 and 2007 net migration has been negative, this means there were more emigrants than immigrants.

The data used in this visualisation is from CBS Statistics Netherlands

Year: 2015-2017
Activities: concept, design and development
Client: self-initiated project
Technologies used: HTML5, JavaScript, D3.js, Angular, Bootstrap

Line charts displayed on mouse over show detail of migration related the chosen country. The charts show immigration, emigration and the difference between these two.

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