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Caribbean Women Count: Ending violence against Women and Girls

From 2016 to 2019, five Caribbean countries - Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago – conducted national surveys to measure the prevalence of gender-based violence. In this website the results of these surveys are visualised.

The front page shows the main results and allows comparison between the five countries. There's a separate section for each country where it's possible to navigate through the different survey results. The different visualisations are grouped by category and it's possible to select different types of violence and view percentages and respondents.

The visualisations show the prevalence of intimate partner violence in these countries in combination with different factors and attitudes. They put in evidence the main issues and hopefully will help in the creation of policies to improve women's situation.

Year: 2020
Activities: Website and visualisations design and development
Technologies used: HTML5, JavaScript, css ,D3.js, Bootstrap
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