It's almost 25 years ago that sir Tim Berners Lee invented the World Wide Web; time to evaluate and see how the world is dealing with it.
The Web index is a measure of the Web's growth, utility and impact around the world. It has been designed and produced by the World Wide Web Foundation.
In this visualization each country is represented by an icon divided into four squares. Each square gives a measure to the following subindexes:
These subindexes can give us an idea of how healthy the web is in these 81 countries.
It's easy to see that the variation in magnitude of these four components can be quite big within a country. While a country can score good in some of the subindexes it can still score quite bad in the rest.
There are also regional trends and surprisingly also exceptions within one region.
This project has been a submission for's "Visualizing the impact of the World Wide Web" Challenge
Data: Web Index 2013, World Wide Web foundation
February 2014